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GenreCards, Online
Latest release1.1.2  (Announcement)
Release dateSeptember 1st, 2017
Code licenseAGPL
P. languageC++
PokerTH is a free game. This means that the source code is available to be studied, modified, and distributed. Most projects look for help with testing, documentation, graphics, etc., as well.
Available as a package in:  
Arch AUR: pokerth 
Openlogo-debianV2.svg Debian: pokerth 
Fedora logo.svg Fedora: pokerth  
Gentoo Linux logo matte.svg Gentoo: games-board/pokerth 
UbuntuCoF.svg Ubuntu: pokerth 
Slackware logo.svg Slackware: pokerth 
OpenSUSE Logo.svg OpenSUSE: pokerth 
Mageia logo small.jpg Mageia: pokerth 
Snapcraft-logo.svg Snap: pokerth 
Daemon-phk.svg FreeBSD: pokerth

PokerTH is a Texas Hold 'Em Poker card game with network support, translations, and many other features. It is licensed under the AGPL.[1] It used the SDL library.[2]

Version history[edit]

Version 1.1 on December 12th, 2013
Version 1.0.1 on April 07th, 2013
"Galician" translation, setting dialog for manual server configuration, bugfixes
Version 1.0 on January 1st, 2013
log-file analysis tool. adroid package: sound support and playable on bigger tablets now
Version 0.6.2 on May 22th, 2008


External links[edit]